Report Requirements
Each grantee is required to submit a report through the Trust’s website approximately one year from the time the funds were received. An email will be sent to the address provided in your grant request contact information a month before the report is due. Please email info@ if the contact information on your approved request changes. Recipients of multi-year grants are asked to provide yearly progress reports with the same information listed below and also a final report one year after the final grant payment is made.
Requirements for Grant Reports
- 990 from the time period the grant was active
- Audited financial statements from the time period the grant was active
- Answers to the following questions (500 word max for each):
- Has the project achieved the top 3 expected outcomes stated in the application? Please specify how using the metrics identified in the original application. If the top outcomes were not accomplished, please share why. If they changed during the course of the project, please explain. If this is a multi-year project, please share where the project is currently relative to the proposed implementation plan.
- How many patients benefited from this project? If this project does not have a direct service component involving patients, please share other systemic, innovative, qualitative or research successes. Do not list patient numbers if no patients were seen.
- Did the project encounter unexpected difficulties and, if so, what was learned from them?
- How has this project influenced your organization?
- Additional relevant materials can be uploaded with the items above.